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12 risultati
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Home Automation System - Migrazione OpenHAB 3 - 32. Allarme GAS con Google Home Parte 2
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Home Automation System - OpenHAB 3 Migration - 32. Gas Alarm and Google Home Pt 2
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Home Automation System - Migrazione OpenHAB 3 - 32. Allarme GAS con Google Home Parte 1
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Home Automation System - OpenHAB 3 Migration - 32. Gas Alarm and Google Home Pt 1
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Home Automation System - Migrazione OpenHAB 3 - 26. Sensore GAS MQ-4 con ESP8266 custom Parte 2
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Home Automation System - OpenHAB 3 Migration - 26. Custom ESP8266 with a MQ-4 gas sensor Part 2
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Home Automation System - Migrazione OpenHAB 3 - 26. Sensore GAS MQ-4 con ESP8266 custom Parte 1
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Home Automation System - OpenHAB 3 Migration - 26. Custom ESP8266 with a MQ-4 gas sensor Part 1
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Acquisizione dati - Sensore gas remoto
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Data Acquisition - Remote Gas Detector
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Primo esperimento: un semplice rilevatore di gas
OpenHAB - SmartHome
First experiment: a simple gas detector