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Risultati di ricerca per "
sonoff mini
8 risultati
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Home Automation System - Temperature sensor with SONOFF mini - Two sensors
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Home Automation System - Misuriamo la temperatura con il SONOFF mini - Doppio sensore...
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Home Automation System - Misuriamo la temperatura con il SONOFF mini - Collegamenti Hardware
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Home Automation System - Temperature sensor with SONOFF mini - Hardware connection
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Home Automation System - Misuriamo la temperatura con il SONOFF mini - Preparazione Software
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Home Automation System - Temperature sensor with SONOFF mini - Software setup
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Home Automation System - Prima volta con il Sonoff Mini - Carichiamo TASMOTA
OpenHAB - SmartHome
Home Automation System - First time with Sonoff Mini - Flashing TASMOTA