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My Learjet 45 Home Cockpit (63 posts)


The game gets seriuos

by Marco

Another step on my project.

We begin to realize our first instrument panel: the upper part of the main panel.

Here is it...beautiful, isn't it?:

Just placed over the structure...in its definitive position

In this panel will be placed the 3 saitek panel. In order:

- Switch Panel
- Radio Panel
- Multi Panel

Then buttons and leds will be added.

The indicators which will be lighst up by leds:

Now assembly test:

Saitek Panel and indicators:

Added red and green buttons, with internal led:

For now I connected just saitek panels; with the help of two monitor I made my first test:

That's all fine. Now I have to connect all the buttons and leds to the interface cards.

Stay tuned...