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My Learjet 45 Home Cockpit (63 posts)


External views [Versione in italiano]

by Marco Lamanna

One of the most important parts of the simulator is certainly the vision of the "outside world", where our plane flies. I discovered with various tests that size is important, but above all depth is fundamental, the idea of being immersed in the virtual world.

In the early stages of my simulator, I had started designing the visual system using a Full HD projector. Image very large but too flat ... did not give the idea of being present in the world. So I abandoned this idea to switch to a multi-monitor system, which, to the detriment of size (I don't use big monitors at this moment), led to an important improvement in terms of depth.

My current setup consists of 3 24' Full-HD monitors, which allow for a visual angle of about 135°. Technically, the three monitors are all connected to the FSX PC which, thanks to the presence of two graphics cards, allows them to be managed and combines the resolutions together to have a single large "display", given by the union of the 3 monitors

To obtain this result, always from a low-cost point of view, I don't use additional hardware (such as the Matrox Triplehead2go or similar...), but a free software that manages to combine the three video outputs into a single one. This amazing software is called SoftTH http://www.softth.net and sadly it is no longer in development. Thanks to it, FSX sees a single video card with a resolution of 5760 x 1080

I don't know if this will still be my definitive configuration in the future, but for now it does its job very well.

Take a look at my video with monitors at work

Enjoy your viewing

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