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My Learjet 45 Home Cockpit (63 posts)


GLASS COCKPIT with AIR MANAGER [Versione in italiano]

by Marco Lamanna

After successfully testing the free version of AIR MANAGER, I decided to buy the commercial version to have access to all the features and be able to download a whole series of panels and community-developed tools.

Before I can actually use it, I have to do one last preparation step: reassemble the GLASS COCKPIT monitors on the front panel.

The monitors are connected to a surrounding PC running only AIR MANAGER and connected by network to the FSX PC

This is the area where the monitors should be remounted

These are the monitors

And here is the final result, with a plastic cover over the monitors and AIR MANAGER running

At this moment I'm using just free panels, downloaded from the siminnovations website. This is the link: https://siminnovations.com/community-panels

My idea is to try to develop some panel / instrument, starting from one of those already available.

Here you can find a short video about my actual Glass Cockpit

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