Il mio Learjet 45 (63 posts)
Prepar3D v2.2 - Disponibile il download
di Marco Lamanna
Il tanto atteso ulteriore aggiornamento alla versione 2.2 per Prepar3D v.2è disponibile sul sito ufficiale per il download.
Ecco gli aggiornamenti (in lingua Inglese):
Requested Features and Enhancements Implemented in Prepar3D v2.2
At a very high level, the Prepar3D v2.2 update has the following updates and addresses the following issues:
- Autogen out of memory crashes
- The inclusion of the v2.1 panels ‘hotfix’ that reverted changes to the ContentErrorLogging system that caused previously compatible aircraft to not work
- New cloud shadows feature as well as several new shadow system optimizations
- A new sample for the Prepar3D Development Kit (PDK) API – Oculus Rift integration
- Native radar support for Prepar3D developers
- A redesign and refactor of the legacy Flight Recorder system
- A new FlightInstructor mode for SimDirector, as well as several other SimDirector enhancements
- Several other community and developer issues resolved
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