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Home Automation System - OpenHAB v.2, a better network monitoring with groups

by Marco Lamanna

Introducing the openhab groups in my setup, I improved my network monitoring.

I created a new group called gNetworkCheck, which will be assigned to all the network devices I would like to monitor. This group will be ON when all items will be ON, otherwise OFF.

Then I changed the monitoring rule, defining it only for the group and not for every device; in this way, I could add a new device to monitor simply assigning it to the gNetworkCheck group; no new rules to write.

So, I edited my /etc/openhab2/rules/checks.rules file, replacing all the specific device rules with a single rule for the group:

rule "network check"
Item gNetworkCheck changed
val lastItem = gNetworkCheck.members.sortBy[lastUpdate].last
logInfo("rules", "NETWORK CHECK -> " + lastItem.name + " changed to " + lastItem.state)
sendNotification([user_to_be_notified], "NETWORK CHECK -> " + lastItem.name + " changed to " + lastItem.state)

Following a tip found in the OpenHAB forum (https://community.openhab.org/t/determining-the-triggering-item-in-the-body-of-a-rule/2654/4?u=alex73) I'm able to identify the item changed, which I added to the notification message.

Here is the sitemap with the new group on it