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OpenHAB 4 - Inline upgrade to Java 17 and OpenHAB 4 M2 - Home Automation System [Versione in italiano]

by Marco Lamanna

In this video let's update a test version of OpenHAB 3, to the latest available version 4.0 M2.

To do this you also need a Java update to version 17, running on an old but still valid Raspberry PI 3.

The update takes place directly, simply by changing the OpenHAB repositories from "stable" to "testing".

In this way it is possible to perform a direct update to the latest version of OpenHAB.

Obviously for those who update a "production" system, a preventive backup is a must.

This video does not presume to be a tutorial, but simply a step by step of what has been done to achieve the goal. I hope that it will help someone.

Enjoy your viewing

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