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Home Automation System - OpenHAB 3 Migration - 49. HabPanelViewer setup on Android tablet [Versione in italiano]

by Marco Lamanna

Forty-ninth chapter related to my OpenHAB 2.5 to OpenHAB 3 migration.

In this video we begin the configuration of an android tablet to be used as a wall-mounted control panel for openhab.

For this purpose I use Vbier's (https://github.com/vbier) HabPanelViewer software for Android which, in addition to simplifying the full screen display of the OpenHAB interface, allows the tablet status information to be sent to openhab and allows openhab itself to send commands to the tablet.

In this way we can create rules to automate some useful operations to the control panel, such as the management of battery recharging or the activation and deactivation of the screen.

In this first part we install and configure HabPanelViewer

This video does not presume to be a tutorial, but simply a step by step of what has been done to achieve the goal. I hope that it will help someone.

HabPanelViewer Link https://github.com/vbier/habpanelviewer

Enjoy your viewing

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