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OpenHAB 4 - SMARTTHINGS API, HTTP Binding, GET/POST call with JSON payload - Home Automation System [Versione in italiano]

by Marco Lamanna

In this video we see how to use the official OpenHAB 4 HTTP binding to make HTTP calls to the SMARTTHINGS API to integrate a Samsung SMART TV.

Let's create a Things and the related Channels, equipment and points to carry out a reading and writing test of the TV channel, using the following call types:

  • GET call to retrieve the current TV channel, using the JSONPATH transformation to interpret the response that arrives in JSON format
  • POST call to send the TV channel change command, using the Javascript transformation to create the JSON payload to send in the body of the call

This video does not presume to be a tutorial, but simply a step by step of what has been done to achieve the goal. I hope that it will help someone.

Enjoy your viewing

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