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Home Automation System - OpenHAB 3 Migration - 25. Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum integration Part 1 [Versione in italiano]

by Marco Lamanna

Twenty-fifth chapter related to my OpenHAB 2.5 to OpenHAB 3 migration.

Let's continue to talk about Xiaomi integration, but this time we are not dealing with bulbs but with the fantastic (at least for me) Xiaomi Mi Vacuum v.1 robot vacuum cleaner.

Let's discover and integrate some of its channels in OpenHAB, through Xiaomi MI IO Binding.

In this first part we mainly talk about the channels related to values reading, to view the status of the robot, its battery, the status of its consumable components and more.

All informations that are obviously present in the native Xiaomi Mi Home app.

This video does not pretend to be a tutorial. The hope is that it will help someone.

Enjoy your viewing

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