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Home Automation System - OpenHAB 3 Migration - 37. XIAOMI VACUUM robot commands [Versione in italiano]

by Marco Lamanna

Thirty-seventh chapter related to my OpenHAB 2.5 to OpenHAB 3 migration.

In this video let's continue with the integration of the XIAOMI MI VACUUM robot vacuum cleaner by adding the possibility of controlling it directly from OpenHAB, using supported commands.

The XIAOMI binding in fact allows us to use a String channel to send command strings that allow the robot to perform actions or respond with information.

This allows me to no longer have to use the XIAOMI HOME app.

As a last step, let's write a rule to automate daily cleaning. At the moment this rule is set on XIAOMI app but it will be removed after creation on OpenHAB. As usual we do a live test going to see how the robot controlled by OpenHAB behaves.

This video does not presume to be a tutorial, but simply a step by step of what has been done to achieve the goal. I hope that it will help someone.

Enjoy your viewing

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