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Home Automation System - An article from our partner IQS - Industrial Quick Search [Versione in italiano]

by IQS - Industrial Quick Search

There was a time when remotes were introduced to control televisions but now those control much more than just electronic devices. In fact, the world has moved forward. Instead of controlling sound and garage doors with remotes, home automation enables you to control every aspect of your house without depending on a remote even. Be it window blinds or temperature adjustment, everything can be programmed.

Introduction to Home Automation

The Latin term Domotics (meaning home and robotics) is also used to refer to home automation systems. Because it is a combination of softwares and hardwares interacting together to control appliances and other features like heating, cooling, etc.

The whole system is connected to the internet. That is why automated homes are also called smart homes.

Components of Home Automation

Following are the components which bring about the magic of automating a house

Controllers: are essentially the brain of the system which receives the commands from remote or sensors and processes it. After processing, it sends the signal to the related appliances or utilities to act upon it.

Software is really necessary to process the signals and is the main link to set the rules for a smart home. Most popular softwares used for automation these days include

Subsystems are the devices installed throughout the house controlled by the software. Most commonly used subsystems include heating, cooling, lighting, audio, and video.

User Interface is like a dashboard for you to evaluate and monitor your smart home. It can come as screens, tablets, smartphones etc.

Some smart homes use small footprint hardwares like Raspberry Pi or such prototyping circuit boards to build the system from scratch.

Setting Rules in Your Smart Home

Computerizing subsystems of your house can be taken to a next level by setting some rules and routines. You can lighting with window covers or heating with doors to make your smart home smarter. Here are most commonly set routines and rules. One can always personalize these.

Going to Bed Imagine the routine you follow before going to bed. For example, locking the doors, activating the security system, turning off lights, regulating the heating, turning off appliances not in use and so on. You can time all these activities around your bedtime so that the software automatically automates this near your bedtime.

Waking Up An opposite of a good night routine essentially where you can program your house to turn on soft lights to help you wake up at a certain time, set alarms, open the window blinds, turn on the coffee pot or toaster i.e. helping you get ready for work. This way you don’t have to run from one room to another to juggle between tasks.

Leaving or Entering the House This routine can give you peace of mind while leaving the house without having to check every lock or light. Even if you forgot to turn your heating down you can always turn it down in your car.

Importance of Setting These Rules

Setting rules for your smart home: