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Home Automation System - Temperature sensor with SONOFF mini - Two sensors [Versione in italiano]

by Marco Lamanna

Let's take a step forward with our new SONOFF Mini ... let's try adding a second DHT11 sensor to measure two different temperatures (and humidity) with a single SONOFF Mini. What is it for? For example, we can use our SONOFF Mini to control a light between two rooms; if we could put two sensors to two different rooms, with a single device we would get the two temperatures. I'm not sure I will need this but I'm curious to see if it's a possible solution.

Let's start from where we left off: our SONOFF Mini connected to the DHT11

It should be relatively simple ... we have to find another free GPIO to connect the DHT11 pin data ... we already got 5V and GND pin because they are the same as the first sensor, already connected.

I chose the GPIO1, easy to reach (see black wire)

We get help from a small breadboard to connect both devices ... 5V and GND are shared ... with the breadboard everything becomes easier

Connections done (SONOFF Mini switched off and disconnected from the main power of course) we have to setup TASMOTA to add the new sensor. In the module configuration page we select DHT11 from the combobox related to GPIO1

Saving and rebooting the device, we expect two sensor values

Yes, we did it...this is a setup that, if needed, we already know how to implement.